Nate Raterman: Founded 'TRIP PARANORMAL' in 2006 after having my first encounter with the paranormal. I knew there was more I could do to help others who are experiencing the same encounters I had. Not only did I have my first encounter in 2006. I purchased a home located in western Nebraska and found that this location was a paranormal hot spot. A few months after moving in, I began to see a strange, shadowy, mist like figure, along with other strange activity! (Doors opening and closing on their own, Footsteps, Disembodied voices, Appliances and power tools would turn on by themselves, and even a full figure apparition of a man in his mid 70'; s was seen). I did about 8 months' worth of research on my home and attached land and found out many things. The past owner did pass away in the home, a man in his mid 70s. Upon doing research, the local city was keeping the deed and records to my home private. There was a gap in the past owner's history as well as many gaps in the police records. When speaking to the city I was told to leave it alone. It is safe to say what ever happened in that home wasn't good. In 2006 I was also sent items from around the world that have reported paranormal activity or some sort of spiritual attachment and continue to receive items daily. I have been seen on Travel Channel, Discovery, A&E bio channel, National Geographic, Destination America and numerous news and radio stations around the world. I have even directed a Hollywood movie "A Hanging" based on a true story. Now I am currently working on my new television series along with helping people who are experiencing paranormal activity in their homes or business.
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